Spin the brush to recharge the bristles and remove any previous debris.
After recharging bristles, insert brush width to width of sensor.
Rotate and gently rest bristles on far edge of sensor.
Lightly draw the bristles over the width of sensor.
Do not apply too much pressure.
Lift from sensor, rotate brush width to width of sensor and remove.
Spin the brush to remove any debris that has been collected.
Arctic Butterfly® — SL 700 Instructions
WARNING: Do Not Spin Device While Brush is on Camera’s Sensor
Read complete instructions below before using your spinning device
Requires one (1) "AAA" batterie (not included). Use high quality batteries for best performance. Remove the batteries before traveling on an airplane.
Do not use on camera chamber or parts other than sensor, otherwise you will smear the sensor.
Wash inside the cap occasionally with mild soap or in case of a smear.
When removing the cap, do not pull straight off. Instead, "unscrew the cap following the arrows direction then pull"
Turn the device on and spin the brush 3 times for 5 seconds each time. This will enhance the fiber charges and dislodge any particles within the fibers via centripetal force.
Take the Arctic Butterfly® — SL 700 and gently brush across your sensor ONCE. Do not spin the brush while on sensor! Keep your fingers away from the power button on the device while cleaning the sensor to prevent accidental spinning.
Release the camera shutter and proceed with checking the image for evidence of dust particles.
Repeat steps 6 through 8 if necessary.
Re-capping the SL 700—brush head: While rotating the SL700 body, Insert the Brush head into the Cap until the Brush fibers are completely inserted in one direction.
The Brush head needs to be washed after few cleaning or if smear occurs. Please check with VisibleDust on how to wash the brush safely.
Quasar® Sensor Loupe® Instructions
Please use two (2) CR2025/2032 lithium batteries
Place the two(2)batteries with PLUS (+) sign facing outward
Close the battery cover
Turn the switch on
In case of finger print on Quasar® sensor loupe® lense, please use the microfiber cloth to remove.